Thursday, December 4, 2008


Life has been so busy and crazy lately and I have totally slacked on blogging about all the fun things Tyson and I have been doing. Tyson is the super cute boy that I get to spend a couple of days each week with.
In November Tyson and I gutted a little pumpkin. Tyson was not so sure about this when we started, but he quickly warmed up. He is a texture boy and did not like the texture of the pumpkin guts!! However, he did like the seeds and he enjoyed pulling them out of the pumpkin and putting them into a bowl.
He also enjoyed dumping them out of the bowl :)

Tyson has a bean bag that he sits in while he watches his Baby Einstein movies. I think the bean bag is a super good idea and I am going to have to remember that when I have my own babies. Yesterday I gave Tyson his first taste of a Candy Cane and we colored a picture of a Candy Cane. He LOVED the Candy Cane and kept saying "Yumm"
Tyson and I spend A LOT of time at the park. We play and walk the lake with other Bayside mom's every week.

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1 comment:

The Lourceys said...

That's so fun that you gutted that pumpkin with him, and that he didn't like it. He's sure got some pretty eyes.